Executive Directors in COVID-19: Can We Stop Saying Pivot?  Workshop Evaluation

Your feedback on our conference workshops is critical to our mission of advancing justice and expanding opportunity for all by promoting excellence in the delivery of legal services for people who cannot afford counsel. With your help, we can make our training programs more responsive to your evolving needs.

After you complete the evaluation questions, be sure to click "Done" at the bottom of the page to record your responses. You can also save your answers to complete the evaluation later.
Using a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is "Strongly Disagree" and 5 is "Strongly Agree," please evaluate the faculty/session in the following areas:
Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree
The session content was consistent with the description in the agenda
The session information will help me be more effective in my position
I can use the information I learned right away
Overall, the speakers for this session were knowledgeable
Overall, the speakers for this session were engaging
The session met or exceeded my expectations
The topics covered were relevant, interesting, and timely
The session was interactive with significant audience participation
The handouts and materials were useful
Audio-visual aids were used effectively
What in particular about this session would you like us to know about and why?
What are your overall impressions about the faculty at this particular session?
Would you recommend this session for next year's conference agenda?
Why or why not?
Would you recommend this particular faculty for next year's conference agenda?
Why or why not?
Do you have any suggestions for improving this workshop?
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